MUPP alum, Taryn McCook, attended CUPPA from 2007-2009. She specialized in economic development with a community focus and took courses that covered a variety of topics such as transportation and international planning and…
In his new book, Worker Mobility and Urban Policy in Latin America: Policy Interactions and Urban Outcomes in Mexico City, CUPPA Postdoctoral Research Associate David López-García, PhD argues that urban outcomes are better…
CUPPA congratulates Urban Planning and Policy Ph.D. candidate Anton Rozhkov for receiving an honorable mention for the Graduate Student Excellence in Teaching & Mentoring Award (GSETMA). Anton teaches introductory and advanced-level classes on…
CUPPA would like to congratulate students Wylie Crowther and Sean O’Rourke for completing their story map project for UPP 461: Geographic Information Systems for Planning and Policy with Dr. Andrea Craft. In collaboration…
Do you want to be a CUPPA Student Ambassador? CUPPA’s new Student Ambassador Program is an opportunity for undergrads who are dedicated to serving and playing a special role in the college. Student Ambassadors serve as CUPPA representatives…
CUPPA Professor Dr. Rachel Weber will be delivering the keynote address at the City Debates 2023 (CD2023) workshop in Beirut, Lebanon. The title of her keynote is “No future? Banking on future land…
Professor Şevin Yıldız of the Department of Urban Planning and Policy was invited to speak at the Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium in La Crosse, WI on Monday, February 27th. The title of…
Undergraduate and graduate students from UIC are encouraged to compete for two $750 Tolerance Scholarships by submitting a 500-word essay on what tolerance means to them. Essays should reflect on the question of…
CUPPA Alumni: You are invited to join the CUPPA Alumni Association as a volunteer at our annual Career Day! The alumni association organizes this event each year in partnership with the college to…
GFRC Director, Deborah Carroll is a member of the steering committee for CMAP’s Plan of Action for Regional Transit (PART). The committee held its first meeting on Jan. 18 as development of the plan for…