MCD Project Highlights
35th Street Reimagined (Summer 2022-23)
These capstone studios centered around the critical notion of improving the quality of public open spaces for everyone, the summer 2022 and 2023 Chicago Charrette focused on engaging with the community of McKinley Park in partnership with a wide range of relevant stakeholders including the McKinley Park Development Council (MPDC) as lead community partner, the Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement (IPCE), and Design Workshop. The project focused on developing plans for three different public infrastructure improvement projects along 35th Street within the larger McKinley Park neighborhood. During studio, students worked intensely using a variety of participatory tools and engagement techniques to better understand the preferences and desires of community stakeholders through a series of events ranging from popup events; open houses at local community space; a Charrette, and a community conversation and showcase.
Summer 2022 Studio - McKinley Park Charrette Heading link
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