Charles Hoch
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Professor Hoch taught urban planning at the University of Illinois at Chicago for 35 years. He studies how professional planners and others make spatial plans and the kind of work plans do. Hoch has taught lecture, studio and workshop courses on the history, theory, organization and practice of urban planning. In the last decade, he helped institute an innovate plan making curriculum inspired by a pragmatist conception of practice. Students learn by doing as well as studying. Hoch has played an active role in the intellectual and institutional development of planning education in the United States. He served on the governing board of the American Collegiate Schools of Planning 1991-1997; and chaired the Planning Accreditation Board 2008-2011. His planning books include What Planners Do (Planners Press 1994), The Practice of Local Government Planning (ICMA 2000) and forthcoming from Routledge in 2020 Pragmatic Spatial Planning. He has also published books on housing and community development including Under One Roof edited with George Hemmens and Jana Carp (SUNY Press, 1996) and authoring with Robert Slayton New Homeless and Old: Community and the Skid Row Hotel. (Temple University Press, 1989). Hoch has published articles on planning theory, practice and housing in Environment & Planning C, The Journal of the American Planning Association, The Journal of Planning Education and Research, The Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, Planning Theory, Planning Theory & Practice, Plan Canada, Town Planning Review and other social science journals.