UPP News

Shelley Davis, MUPP

Shelley Davis one of Chicago's Top Black Women of Impact

Congrats to Shelley Davis, MUPP alumna, on making this list of impressive women! February marks Black History Month. During this month, Make It Better celebrates black women of impact who are making Chicagoland…

Info Session for Masters in Urban Planning and Policy

You can also join us online at https://us.bbcollab.com/guest/e515687ef55a460ba18314e5f14e60e4 The University of Illinois at Chicago’s Urban Planning and Policy Department is a place where education, research, and community engagement come together to explore challenges facing…

Prof. Vidyarthi to join Jaipur 2035 project

Prof Sanjeev Vidyarthi is representing UPP in a collaborative spatial planning studio with ENSA Toulouse and Aayojan School of Architecture at the Indian city of Jaipur studying ‘Rain Water Harvesting and Metropolisation’  sponsored…