Photo of Urcuqui-Bustamante, Andrés M.

Andrés M. Urcuqui-Bustamante

Bridge to Faculty Scholar

Urban Planning and Policy

Pronouns: He/Him/His


Building & Room:

CUPPA Hall, Room 241


412 S. Peoria St., Chicago IL 60607


Andrés M. Urcuqui-Bustamante is a Bridge to Faculty Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Urban Planning and Policy (UPP) at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). His work explores the interconnections between nature, society, and policy through the lens of human dimensions of natural resources.


Current Research

Andrés' current research endeavors delve into the fascinating realm of the human dimensions of natural resources. He is actively investigating how people's perceptions, attitudes, and values regarding natural resources and landscape management influence both individual and collective responses to environmental issues, infectious diseases, and social problems. In his work, Andrés uses a diverse set of research methods, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches. His research seeks to address both theoretical inquiries and practical needs within the context of natural resource management and conservation. Furthermore, Andrés explores the impact of participatory research methods, such as collaborative modeling, role-play simulations, and facilitated workshops, on social learning, collaboration between stakeholders, and the development of informed environmental policies and programs.


Research interests

Andrés has conducted extensive environmental science research in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas in the United States, Mexico, and Colombia.  His research interests are located within the fields of environmental science and studies. These include:

  • Environmental policy and governance.
  • Urban planning and natural resource management.
  • Public health and emerging diseases.
  • Conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems services.
  • Public participation in decision-making.
  • Environmental conflict and collaboration.

Selected Publications

Urcuqui-Bustamante, A.M. In prep. Contesting urbanization: Community responses to housing development and land designation in Santiago de Cali, Colombia.

Urcuqui-Bustamante, A.M.; K.C. Perry; J.E. Leahy; AM. Gardner & C. Sponarski. 2024. Psychosocial Determinants of Lyme Disease Preventive Behavior Among Outdoor Recreationists. Environment and Behavior, 56, 1-2, 59-93.

Urcuqui-Bustamante, A.M.; K.C. Perry; J.E. Leahy; AM. Gardner & C. Sponarski. 2024. Factors Influencing Private Woodland Owners’ Land Management Decisions on Lyme Disease Mitigation in Maine. Trees, Forests and People, 17, 100603.

Urcuqui-Bustamante, A.M., Leahy, J.E., Sponarski, C. et al. 2024. Collaborative Modeling of the Tick-Borne Disease Social-Ecological System: A Conceptual Framework. EcoHealth.

Urcuqui-Bustamante, A.M.; T.L. Selfa; C.M. Ashcraft; H. Asbjornsen; K.W. Jones; R.H. Manson & A. Mayer. 2023. Using Science-based Role-play Simulations to Inform Payment for Hydrological Services Program Design in Mexico. Environmental Science and Policy, 139, 71-82.

Urcuqui-Bustamante, A.M.; T.L. Selfa; K.W. Jones; C.M. Ashcraft; R.H. Manson; H. Asbjornsen. 2022. Learning Through a Science-Based Role-Play Negotiation Simulation: The Case of Local Mechanisms for Payment for Hydrological Services in Veracruz, Mexico. Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 4, 305-323

Selfa, T.L.; A.M. Urcuqui-Bustamante; D. Cordoba; S. Avila-Foucat; E.C. Pischke; K.W. Jones; M.Z. Nava-Lopez; D.M. Torrez. 2022. The role of situated knowledge and values in reshaping payment for hydrological services programs in Veracruz, Mexico: An actor-oriented approach. Rural Studies, 95, 268-277.

Urcuqui-Bustamante, A.M.; T. Selfa; P. Hirsch & C. Ashcraft. 2021. Uncovering Stakeholder Participation in Payment for Hydrological Services (PHS) Program Decision-Making in Mexico and Colombia. Sustainability, 13 (15), 8562.


PhD in Environmental Science, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (Syracuse NY, USA)
MS in Rural Development, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota, Colombia)
MS in Management and Conservation of Tropical Biodiversity, CEU San Pablo (Madrid, Spain)
BS in Environmental Management, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (Cali, Colombia)

Professional Memberships

ACSP Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning.

AESS Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences.

IASNR International Association for Society and Natural Resources.

ESP LAC Ecosystem Services Partnership Latin America and Caribbean.

Research Currently in Progress

Urban planning and natural resource management

  • Exploring accessibility and use of green spaces in the Chicago metropolitan area.
  • Understanding access and use of green spaces in Santiago de Cali, Colombia.
  • Contesting urbanization: Community responses to housing development and land designation in Santiago de Cali, Colombia.

Environmental policy and governance

  • Non-economic values associated with payment for hydrological services programs: Recognizing local shared values to improve natural resource management.

Public health and emerging diseases:

  • Impacts of forest management practices on tick density and tick-borne pathogen prevalence using agent-based modeling.

Public participation in decision-making:

  • Collaborative modeling of the tick-borne disease social-ecological system.
  • Simulated negotiations to inform public policy addressing tick-borne diseases.