Christelle Khalaf, PhD
Associate Director
Government Finance Research Center
Building & Room:
CUPPA Hall, Room 372
412 S. Peoria Street
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Christelle Khalaf is the Associate Director of the Government Finance Research Center (GFRC). Prior to joining the GFRC, she was the Associate Director of the Center for Business and Economic Analysis and Affiliated Faculty with the Department of Economics at the University of Wyoming, as well as an Economist at Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs. Dr. Khalaf has served as a member of the advisory panel on the Anchor Economy Initiative at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia in 2021, and as a member of the Ohio Economic Roundtable in 2020, which was convened by Governor DeWine and the Ohio Office of Budget and Management to discuss the state’s economic outlook given the COVID-19 health pandemic. She is author or co-author of over 20 technical reports and briefs, and has been quoted in several news media outlets, including NPR, HuffPost, and Energy News Network. She has published peer-reviewed papers in journals such as Economic Development Quarterly and Economic Inquiry, among other academic publications. Dr. Khalaf holds a Ph.D. in Economics from North Carolina State University and a Harvard Kennedy School Executive Certificate in Leading Economic Growth.
Selected Publications
Khalaf, C., Michaud, G., & Jolley, G. J. (2022). Toward a New Rural Typology: Mapping Resources, Opportunities, and Challenges. Economic Development Quarterly, 36(3), 276–293. https://doi.org/10.1177/08912424211069122
Clark, R. L., Hammond, R. G., Morrill, M. S., & Khalaf, C. (2019). Informing retirement savings decisions: a field experiment on supplemental plans. Economic Inquiry, 57(1), 188-205. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecin.12731
PhD, Economics, North Carolina State University, 2017