Strategic Planning Questionnaire Questionnaire Heading link Copy link What are the most important opportunities and issues that CUPPA faces?These are opportunities and issues that you believe the strategic plan must wrestle with if it’s to be a credible and actionable plan and to generate excitement about CUPPA’s future.What makes, or could make, CUPPA distinctive, differentiating the College from other colleges or institutions of urban planning and/or public affairs, regionally, nationally, and/or internationally?These are distinctions that would help CUPPA: • Attract the best faculty, students, and staff; • Become more visible, recognized, and constantly growing in reputation; • Attract greater financial support and strengthen partnerships.What would be truly transformative for CUPPA?If there were no resource limitations or existing barriers, what big ideas or specific initiatives would you like to see the College stake out aspirationally as part of its long-term vision?Other CommentsName (Optional) Your CUPPA AffiliationFacultyStaffGraduate StudentUndergraduate StudentAlumniCUPPA Friend (Non-UIC)UIC Stakeholder (Non-CUPPA)