
Daley Fact Check

Amanda Kass Comments On Daley's Property Tax Freeze

A Chicago Sun-Times/Better Government Association/PolitiFact story on Chicago mayoral candidate Bill Daley’s pledge to freeze property taxes includes comments from Amanda Kass, associate director of the Government Finance Research Center at UIC, who…

P.S. Sriraj

Dr. P.S. Sriraj Interviewed By CBS

Dr. P.S. Sriraj, Director of the Urban Transportation Center, was interviewed by Vince Gerosale, reporter for WBBM-TV Channel 2 News, for a report on the recent news that completion of the Byrne Circle…

UIC Public Policy

Kindling Curiosity: Expanding Horizons Through Public Policy

“Public policy courses have broader applications and essentially bridge together the information that I learn in my major courses,” said Mehroz Mohammed, a public policy minor. Mohammed wrote a thoughtful UIC News piece on how…

Logan Theater

John Betancur Discusses Gentrification In Logan Square

WBEZ interviewed John Betancur, UIC professor of urban planning and policy, in a story about new census data that shows the white population has surpassed the Latino population in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood.…


P.S. Sriraj Quoted In Denver Post

The Denver Post quotes P.S. Sriraj, director of the Urban Transportation Center and research associate professor at UIC, in a story about delays in completing Denver’s commuter rail system due to new rail technology with…

Long Island City

David Merriman Assesses Amazon HQ2’s Economic Impact

The Associated Press cites comments from David Merriman, James J. Stukel Presidential Professor in the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs and with the University of Illinois’ Institute of Government and Public…

Teresa Cordova

Teresa Cordova Appointed To Committee On Jobs And Economic Opportunity

Teresa Córdova, Director of the Great Cities Institute and Professor of Urban Planning and Policy, was appointed to the IL Governor-Elect’s transition committee on Jobs and Economic Opportunity.  Governor-elect JB Pritzker and Lieutenant Governor-elect Juliana Stratton…

UIC Master of City Design

UIC Establishes New Graduate Degree In City Design

Chicago, a city known worldwide for its planning and design, will have its first-ever graduate degree in city design when the University of Illinois at Chicago launches a new program next fall. The…