Seeking Nominees For 2019 Jim Marek Alumni Appreciation Award

Do you know of someone highly dedicated to UIC and CUPPA who is making a real difference for the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs and its students? Perhaps they are providing jobs/internships, offering career advice, or in some other ways going the extra mile for CUPPA and the fields of urban planning and public administration. Please think about it and let us know who you have in mind by nominating them for the annual Jim Marek CUPPA Alumni Appreciation Award!
Since 2004, the CUPPA Alumni Association has presented the Jim Marek Alumni Appreciation Award, recognizing individuals or groups for their dedication to the fields of urban planning and public administration and their contributions to the development of CUPPA's students and alumni. In November 2010, the CUPPA-AA Board of Directors voted unanimously to rename the award to the Jim Marek Alumni Appreciation Award, honoring the former CUPPA assistant dean for student services, Jim Marek. Marek retired from his post in CUPPA on February 6, 2007 after more than 29 years of service to the university, its students and alumni. He unexpectedly died on August 13, 2010.
We need your help, and surely you have some ideas. Please complete this form by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8th. Contact with questions.