Rebecca Hendrick
Professor Emerita
Public Policy, Management, and Analytics
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Rebecca Hendrick is a Professor of Public Administration. She received her Ph.D. in political science from Michigan State University (1986).
She teaches budgeting and financial management at the undergraduate, master, and PhD levels, and she teaches the required research design course for PhD students (PA 540).
Her current research merges the four subject areas of financial management, organizational behavior, public finance, and governance focusing on local governments in a regional context. She is the author of the book entitled Managing the Fiscal Metropolis: The Financial Polices, Practices and Health of Municipalities, (2012, Georgetown University Press). The book examines how suburban municipal governments in the Chicago metropolitan area manage their finances during recessions and in response to a range of fiscal threats and opportunities. The book pays focuses to how these governments manage their finances within the fragmented system of local governance that exists in this region and the rules of local finance established by state government in Illinois.
Professor Hendrick’s other research examines subjects such as tax competition, strategic management of state and local government, and the measurement of local government financial condition. She has published widely in journals in public administration, political science, and public finance, and she is currently researching local governments’ use of special assessments and capital financing and spending practices more broadly.
Selected Grants
The Volcker Alliance, Truth and Integrity in State Budgeting, PI
Selected Publications
Rebecca Hendrick and Farhad Omeyr. 2017. An Investigation of Capital Spending and Financing in Municipal Governments: Institutions and Fiscal Policy Space. Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management
Shu Wang and Rebecca Hendrick. Forthcoming “Financing Urban Infrastructure (and Services) Under the New Normal: A Look at Special Assessments.” In E. McKenzie, A. Alexander, and D. Judd (eds), The Transformation of the American Local State: Developmental Politics and the Eclipse of Democratic Governance, (University of Minnesota Press)
Rebecca Hendrick. 2016. “Use of Special Assessments by Municipal Governments in the Chicago Metropolitan Area: The Taming of Leviathan?,” Illinois Municipal Policy Review, 1(1): 15-35.
Rebecca Hendrick and Yu Shi. 2015. “Regional Determinants of Collective Action at the Local Level: How Metropolitan Regions in the US Compare,” Urban Affairs Review, 51(3): 414-43
Service to Community
Secretary, Tri-Taylor Community Association
Professional Leadership
Chair and Host Committee, Am. Soc. for Public Admin., Chicago
Chair, Assoc. for Budgeting and Financial Mgmt