GCI Research On CPD’s Gang Database Cited In Chicago Reporter

Chicago Police Department

Findings from a 2018 UIC Great Cities Institute report on Chicago Police Department’s gang database are cited in a Chicago Reporter story about the Chicago Inspector General’s report calling for a massive reform of the collection, oversight and use of such data. Information from the GCI report was also mentioned in the Inspector General's report. Read the story here and the IG's report here.

The Chicago Reporter also published a column on April 16 from co-authors of a UIC Great Cities Institute report on the changing nature of gang violence in Chicago and the need for policies and policymakers to adjust. The authors, which include Teresa Córdova, director of the institute and professor of urban planning and policy, and John Hagedorn, a fellow at the institute and former UIC professor of criminology, law, and justice, call for violence reduction strategies that “reinvest in and rebuild communities, reduce joblessness and poverty, and increase opportunity for African-American youth.” Read the full column here: http://bit.ly/2PfUWGQ