CUPPA Faculty Recognized at UIC Faculty Awards Celebration

Five CUPPA faculty members from the Departments of Public Administration and Urban Planning and Policy were recognized at the UIC Faculty Awards Celebration on November 9.
Jered Carr, Kelly LeRoux, Rachel Weber, and Moira Zellner were recognized for receiving external awards.
Carr, Professor and Head, Department of Public Administration, received the Donald C. Stone Award, given annually by the Section on Intergovernmental Administration and Management of the American Society of Administration each year, to honor significant contributions to the study of intergovernmental relations over a substantial period of time. Carr has developed a clear record of scholarly accomplishment in the field of local governance over his career.
LeRoux, Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, received the RGK-ARNOVA President's Award, by unanimous committee choice, for her work demonstrating the impact of racial diversity on nonprofit organizational performance. The award is given to one member of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations & Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) each year. The award recognizes foundational research and theory building in the field of philanthropic, nonprofit and voluntary action studies.
Weber, Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Policy, received the Best Book in Urban Affairs Award for her book, "From Boom to Bubble: How Finance Builds the New Chicago." Sixty-nine books were nominated for the Best book in Urban Affairs Award. The Urban Affairs Association is the international professional organization for scholars, researchers, and public service professionals in the areas of urban studies and urban affairs.
Zeller, Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Policy, Director, Urban Data Visualization Laboratory, and Leilah Lyons are the recipients of the American Planning Association (APA) inaugural Academic Tech Innovators Grant. Zellner's UIC team demonstrated their participatory modeling protocol for green infrastructure planning and stormwater management in the Tech Zone at the APA National Planning Conference. This competition favors programs or individuals developing or completing the development of physical hardware.
Joshua Drucker was recognized as the recipient of the UIC Teaching Recognition Award.
Drucker, Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning and Policy, is committed to preparing students to become professional leaders, innovators and collaborators. As the head curricular development for the Economic Development courses, Drucker designs opportunities for students to develop a portfolio work that includes reports and research. These nurses and assessments expose students to the knowledge and skills necessary to excel within the field. Drucker is well-respected among students and he is considered an approachable faculty member who sets his students up for success. As the only AICP certified full-time Urban Planning and Policy faculty member, Drucker has the practical and academic experience which he brings into his teaching practices.