Oct 17 2024

Bridging the Gap: Addressing the Last-Mile Problem with AMoD

UTC Online Seminar Series

October 17, 2024

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Addressing last-mile connectivity has long been a challenge for public transit providers.  At the October 17 online Seminar Series presentation from the Urban Transportation Center, a researcher from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities will discuss how Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand (AMoD) could fill the critical gap between transit stops and final destinations, making public transportation more accessible and equitable.  The featured speaker, Dr. Alireza Khani, will share findings from a pilot study in the Miller Hill Mall area of Duluth, MN. The presentation, “Bridging the Gap: Addressing the Last-Mile Problem with AMoD,” kicks off at noon and all are invited.  Learn more and register.

And, did you miss the September 19 event, “Autonomous Vehicle Deployment in Arizona?”  Click here to access the zoom recording and PowerPoint deck.



Edward Bury

Date posted

Sep 19, 2024

Date updated

Sep 19, 2024